
Does Your Company Matter And To Whom - a Talk About Purpose

Most companies in the world, think that the purpose of their business is simply to make money. That is certainly true, to some extent, except there is enough evidence that making money is actually a by-product of a higher purpose. “People, these days don’t buy what you do, but rather why you do what you do” (Simon Sinek).

Do you think that your company really matters to customers ?

Whatever the answer is, there are many examples and proof points that having a ‘Purpose’ and aligning the organization to it has a direct positive impact on employees, customer engagement, the financial results of the company and the pace of its Innovation.

Deloitte recently published the ‘2020 Global Marketing Trends’. It is not for nothing that 4 out of the 7 global marketing trends touch upon this very concept. The first one is clearly called ‘Purpose’ and warns us that authenticity is paramount. But also the other trends such as: ‘Human Experience’, ‘Trust’, and ‘Participation’ all have a direct link to a true company purpose.

Going through the ‘Four Eras of Company Purpose’ reveals how deep and impactful the purpose revolution is. What is the difference between ‘Linear’ and ‘Transformative’ purpose ? Why does the WHY matter now, in particular ? How come Adidas has made such business progress in recent years ? How did Unilever come up with ‘WasteFree World’ ? Those and many more questions will also be answered during this talk.

But, HOW shall we go about it ? Where shall we even start ?

This is exactly what this talk will cover.

Whether your ‘Purpose’ is linear or transformative, if you can live and breathe it, it will serve as a compass and give a clear sense of direction, helping you to define your vision, mission and values in that order. Purpose is a journey. It is never a simple hit & run exercise, remember that. Perhaps, the purpose of a company is to make a business full of purpose.

This keynote takes about 45 minutes. At the end there is room for Q&A which can incite people to think about their purpose, vision, mission and values in a different way.

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