Series 1 keynotes covers the domains of: innovation, extreme customer focus and customer journey

The silver line connecting all keynotes is the core concept of meaningful customer-led innovation based on unveiling the real and hidden customer needs.

The Keynotes:

Series 2 crash-course Innovation Management

The core belief here is that the task of innovation is everybody’s role. But, how do you get everybody in your organization to ‘own’ the space and want to be involved ? How do you stimulate creativity and breaking the status quo ? How do you encourage a different way of thinking ? 

The second series is composed of a “mini-MBA” crash-course of 2 full days whereby groups of 50-100 people are exposed to a marathon of brain stimulation, inspiration and concrete relevant, hands-on knowledge. The course is based on various MBA courses adapted to an in-company environment and team work.  

A sample video of the Keynote series can be found below: